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What are the Benefits of Business Listings?

Posted By:, Dated : 01-05-2019


Most business owners know about online business listings, but haven’t joined any listing because they probably don’t understand how it may benefit their business. Well, business directories aren’t just a digital form of Yellow Pages where you need to comb through several pages of information to find what you want. They are elaborate platforms that make it possible for users to identify your business, read more details about it, and probably contact you. Here are ways a business can benefit from these listings.


Make your business more discoverable


Typically, these listings allow users to filter searches by location, service, or category. This is highly beneficial to small businesses, because at times, users may not know how to search for a particular business name or service they need. So, if your local listing contains full information about your business, chances are high your business will appear in most searches even when users don’t search specifically about your business.


Cost-effective advertising


A challenge most businesses face concerning marketing is the highest budget. Most online advertising platforms cost hundreds of dollars. On the contrary, many online business listings won’t charge you to list your local business. Other listing sites may charge extra for premium features such as adding more than one business, including multiple locations, adding photos and videos, and more.


Better brand image


Image making and brand management are essential to your local business because the local market faces stiff competition. To remain ahead of your competitors, add your company to a local listing to build your brand. Provide the company name, address, videos, and photos if the directory allows it. This way, more online users will get to know about your business, improving your brand image.


Improved online visibility


An online business directory improves your profile on the web, allowing you to spread awareness about your organization. To increase visibility, get your business listed in more than one directory as more online submissions mean more visibility. Many customers use the internet to search for information on a service or product, and with your company listed, it makes it possible to reach out to potential customers.


Improve the reputation of your business


Local directories allow users to provide reviews regarding local businesses. It’s a perfect way for companies to get positive reviews and improve their standing.

Many companies fear negative reviews, and this hinders them from joining an online listing. It also prevents them from the benefits derived from positive reviews, which enhance the company’s reputation. Provided you know how to handle negative reviews, the benefit of numerous positive reviews can outweigh the cost of a few negative reviews. Most importantly, mixing up reviews can strengthen your brand’s reputation because it portrays you as a healthy and legit company without anything to lose.


Better search engine rankings


While it’s possible to appear on Google’s first page through the best SEO techniques, it may take some months to see the results. On the other hand, online business directories have existed long enough, receive large tons of traffic, and are trusted by search engines.

Google likes sites with these attributes, which is why pages from the business directories will often appear on the first page of its search results. By adding your business to these online directories, you are likely to benefit from their established SEO. You also up the chances of appearing on Google’s first page when users search for terms related to your service or product.


Increased revenue


When more users find your website on online listings, it increases the likelihood of them visiting your website, and when they visit the website, they can purchase your services or products especially if they are directly targeted customers. As you can see, these business directories provide an avenue for you to increase revenue.

The potential benefits of high website traffic are greater compared to what it might cost you to list a website in a business directory. This also translates into a high return on investment in terms of increased revenue.


Customer interaction


Some listings, such as Google My Business, have features that allow messaging with customers. When customers find the profile of a company, they can chat directly with the company. This feature allows businesses to quickly respond to questions and help both potential and existing customers. By interacting with customers, a company can build trust and help transform website visitors into customers. You may turn off the feature if it doesn’t align well with your business.


Provide detailed information about your business


Listing your business enables potential customers to see detailed information about your business, including the products or services you offer, your business links, working hours, useful updates, testimonials from previous customers, and a gallery of photos. Users can click on the link to your website to learn more about your business.

It’s an ideal way to inform customers about your website and give them access to the accurate information they need. As a start-up, an online directory is an essential tool to start off your business promotion and build your customer base.


Increased website traffic


Most directories allow you to create a profile where you can include a link to your website. When users search for data relating to your business, they may access your profile via the business listing and since your website contains more detailed and specific information about services, products, cost, and discounts, users may click on the website link to access your website. By getting listed on many directories, actively updating the listings, and getting more positive reviews, your website is likely to receive massive traffic. With increased traffic, you may receive more leads and greater visibility in search engine results.


Final Thoughts


Listing your business’ website with various online directories will enable more people to discover your website, whether they are just browsing or specifically looking for it. Other than exposure, listings provide SEO benefits, enabling search engines to find the website, which in turn leads to increased exposure and traffic.

Different types of listings exist, from small, location, and niche-specific listings to large global directories. 


Written by: Anne Kamwila | An Associate of


Posted , Dated :01-05-2019

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