• +1 (516)822 3100
  • A2Z Pix Inc. DBA Ring2Pix.com
$ 0.00 0

How does a buyer and seller participate in Ring2Pix.com?

  1.  The seller uploads products at Ring2Pix.com; whereas a buyer buys at wholesale or retail.

  2.  A seller is responsible for keeping a reasonable stock at the Ring2Pix warehouse, whereas for a buyer all the deliveries will be sent to to the buyer from the Ring2Pix.com warehouse.

  3. A seller will be responsible for any returned item, defected item and the charge back.

  4. Ring2Pix.com will follow the guidelines of the seller to deliver and collect payment from the buyer.

  5.  Ring2Pix.com will ensure and take all the necessary steps to make sure the buyer is genuine and real prior to ship any product and in some cases a prior authorization will be obtained from a buyer and seller.

  6.  The buyer can withdraw listing at any time and ask to return the stock. The buyer will bear the shipping and handling cost.

  7. Ring2Pix.com will release payment to a seller every after 15 days provided there is no dispute with a buyer.

  8. Ring2Pix.com will answer to all the inquiries and live chat with the seller's consent.

  9.  Ring2Pix.com will use all applicable channels to expedite sales rather than simply depend on online networks.

Showing 3 - 3 (3 out of 3 total) records.