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Eavesdropping Cyber Attack

Eavesdropping : Listening or spying a private conversation or communication without an authorization.

Eavesdropping practice is considered an unethical practice, that a person secretly hear a conversation between two parties without their consent.

Eavesdropping attack is a network attack. In this type of a cyber attack, a hacker steals the data to misuse, modify or destroy during a migration process from one end to another end.

There is a passive and active attack under the eavesdropping attack which are described below in a detail:

Passive Eavesdropping Attack: In this attack, an attacker will steal a web user's data and Pass it over to the third person to abuse in an original form without any modification.

There is a roll of the three parties which are a sender, attacker and receiver conduct an eavesdropping attack.

Under this attack, an attacker analyzes  the traffic condition between a sender and the original receiver.

Active Eavesdropping Attack: Whereas, in the active attack the data is stolen and modified.

For example; The wording of an original message can be modified during the data transmission and traveling to a receiver. An attacker can replace a word “Hi “ to Buy” during a transmission without a knowledge of an original sender.

There are four different types of attack are launched under an active eavesdropping attack.

  1. Masquerade or a deception attack- A receiver receives a message from a hacker without a knowledge.
  2. Replay attack- Again a same message is sent to the receiver in the name of a sender by an unauthorized party.
  3. Data modification- In this attack a modified message will be sent to a receiver from a hacker during the transmission.
  4. Denial of service- In this attack, an attacker will disrupt the services sent by a server.


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