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Save The Login Information By A Hacker

A hacker enters and attack by an apparent door: To minimize a hacking, it starts from closing the apparent entrances of a website. A door's key or the login information of a user is the easiest way to enter and steal the sensitive information. Generally, a login information includes email address and a unique password. The login information is saved in the encrypted format.

We will discuss below to secure an attack by a hacker through brute force attack, dictionary attack and key-logger attack:

  • Brute Force attack: A hacker runs a combination through a script or a program to extract passwords to take access to the sensitive data of a user. For example; social security number, credit card information and other important information which can benefit to a hacker and harm to a user.​

  • Dictionary Attack: A hacker uses it to find the user name by “creating common words” for an unauthorized login attempt. A dictionary cyber attack is generally launched to extract the “user name”.

  • Key-Logger Attack: It is used to track a user's keystrokes on a keyboard. A hacker monitors all the actions of a user without knowing him/her. A key-logger is a software or an invisible tangible tool which is installed or attached in your system to monitor your trend or activities, being done on your computer. That is why the two factor authorization is must for an e- commerce business or where the sensitive information are stored.

How the login information is protected from a hacker?

Two step verification OR A Multi-function Authorization function is used to secure the front doors of a website from an unauthorized person.

A user starts login the account by using a unique email address and a password, and in a return, receives a unique token in the email which is applied or typed in the dedicated field of the login to validate the account.

  1. Step One verifies the login information.

  2. Step Two verifies that an authorized person wants to log into the account.

It is highly recommended to a user to use a strong password and frequently replace it with the existing password. This type of hacking is also called “Password Attack”. It is a very common and effective attack by a hacker and generally a hacker extract the information from;

  1. A purse or desk

  2. UN-encrypted passwords

  3. Apply different logic to find a password through a brute-force.

  4. Dictionary attack is launched through a user's network.

A lockout policy is a very useful and tested tool to minimize hacking chances attempts. The account is blocked after a few attempts and lead the user to answer the security questions or contact with the administration to unlock the account after scrutinizing and make sure that, the person is an authorized account holder. The identity must be checked unbiased to minimize the cyber attacks.

What are the apparent doors to close to stop entering an unauthorized person?

  • A customer login area

  • An administrator login area

  • An employee login area

  • A database login area



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