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Post An Article or Create a Blog provides a user friendly online global platform to spread out your knowledge and experience through writing articles and create a blog. We believe in the quality rather than a quantity and we only approve quality content and the rest we pass.


Based on our experience, over 90% post are rejected to publish due to a low quality and duplicate content.


Difference between an article and blog?


An article is written about a specific topic based on the research, whereas blog is a daily diary to share your daily routine updates.


What is a low quality content?


  • Use advertising material rather than educational.

  • Post a few lines and re-direct to a irrelevant different website, that waste time of a reader.

  • Use wrong grammar and leave spelling errors and spoils reputation.

  • Use images rather than sharing personal experience and knowledge.

What is a duplicate content?


A content that is copied from another website is considered a duplicate content. It is an unethical practice. The internet is a place where a user wants unique information based on the personal experience and deep research.


What is a criteria to approve content?


  • Content must be meaningful and it is created based on research and personal unique experience.

  • No malicious and adult content are acceptable.

  • Do not use too many links in an article that practice keeps the server busy and mislead a user.

  • Do not leave spelling errors and the grammatical mistakes.

  • We care of your reputation and build our users trust who believes on the information that are posted or published on the

  • No advertising material is acceptable.

  • Only the quality content is published after the approval from our professional team.

  • We do not publish any hatism, obscenity, and terrorism content.

  • We do not edit your post, we rather disallow, if it is not met to our requirement.


Advantages to post a blog or write an article for your website?


  • It is the most important feature of search engine optimization.

  • It brings relevant potential customers on your website.

  • It gains a trust of a user about your knowledge and the product you are offering.

  • It works same as a sales person, tells people about the services.

  • No content no visibility on the internet, additionally no visitor and no sale.

Sign Up Fee? does not charge any fee to create an account or post an article or a blog.


Estimated Approval and publishing time?


Generally, it takes 24-48 hours, but it depends on the quality of the content and there is no guarantee of the approval. Our professional team first reviews and make sure it meets the above mentioned conditions to maintain spam score rate, bouncing rate and a user trust on our information.

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