Free Business Listing

Case Study Number Six

A real example of the S.E.O violation.

Why do the search engines, popular social media websites and the branded business directories remove or ignore your content?

Ethics, discipline and etiquette are the key features to expect a respect from someone. We are going to share a real example below of a few posts on the social media websites that violates the guidelines of the organic searches.

What is wrong with this post?

It contains many violations:

  • Posts same information a number of times.
  • Mass posting of the same content in a routine.
  • Uses scripting and stuffing of keywords rather than providing useful information to the internet users.
  • Uses purely promotional content rather than educational material.
  • Uses too many hyperlinks.
  • It is a waste of time, energy and the resources.

How do search engines penalize such posts?

  • Search engines do not index such type of posting.
  • Popular networking websites remove content and delete accounts permanently.

How does handles such bad posts?

  • We notified through email messages to stop the violation of our policies.
  • We delete content and remove a user's account. Because, our mission is to provide the quality content to our users.



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