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xZatly Audit Meta Tags

How does xZatly audit your each page meta tag?


Meta tags are the hidden content that tells search engines about the content that contains in the specific page. Xzatly provide another chance to correct or enhance your hidden meta tags to drive a relevant traffic to your website. Page related meta tags improve the ranking of the website in Google and other search engines.


When a specific landing page URL is copied in the destination field, xZatly automatically extracts hidden meta tags such as Page Title, Page Description and the Page Description. The visibility of the hidden tags provides you another chance to make the correction or add if the meta tags are missing.


It is one the most popular feature of zXatly that forces a website owner and a Search Engine Optimization professional to use it to feed the search engine most accurate and updated information to send the relevant traffic.


How does xZactly audit function helps to a search engine and provide a fine quality results for a website owner?


This unique feature xZatly helps search engine to save bandwidth and extract the accurate results for a user in a least time, whereas a website owner gets relevant traffic instead face a denial of service message for a real user.


Other tips to use xZatly:


  • Use it to send greetings

  • Use it to promote each landing page

  • Use it to promote each domain name that you also forget after some time that it is also existing.

  • Use xZatly to promote your each D.B.A and make it your asset, rather you simply create it to receive payments from the customers.

  • Do not wait to sign up for tomorrow. It saves your money, save your time and protect from the hackers. It provides you a perfect S.E.O.

  • xZatly is a technology that has a future and gives you a bright future.



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